Andrea Kelly and Andrea Kalivodov
Andrea Kelly was born on the 23rd of March, 1973. The year she was born was 1973. She previously was married to Brian McKee and R. Kelly. R. Kelly was her ex-husband who brought her into the world of entertainment. Andrea Kelly's ex-husband was looking for dancers for his upcoming music videos. Andrea was listed as an auditioner. The wife immediately liked her and invited her to his team. Andrea Kelly was an American actress, dancer, and choreographer. She played Andrea Kelly in the movie Surviving R. Kelly. The former wife of R. Kelly, a musician and composer. She started out as a back-up to R. Kelly, but eventually rose to the rank of his principal dancer. The couple got married in the year 1996. They split in the year 2010. Andrea Kelly is a 28-year old Chicago Illinois woman. There's not a great deal of information on Andrea Kelly's early life. Andrea Kalivodova is a Czech artist. Kalivodova's soloist role at the Prague State Opera dates back to 2003. She sings as...